
162 lines
4.6 KiB

display_header("Delete account");
// Error string for the content deletion confirmation
$confStringErr = "";
* Evaluate validity of content deletion and set error message on error or
* perform needed database operations.
function delete_user($conn, $confirmString) {
global $confStringErr;
// Check DB connection
if($conn == null){
<h1>Failed DB connection, cannot proceed!</h1>
If you see this error in production,
please shoot me an email with helpful details.
// Check a user is logged in
$confStringErr = "I don't know how you got here, but you aren't
logged in, thus I cannot delete your account.";
$deleteContent = false;
$deleteAuthor = $_POST["remove_author"] == "yes";
// The user might want to delete the content of their messages
if(!empty($confirmString)) {
// He does indeed, set the var for that
if($confirmString == "DELETE CONTENT OF ALL COMMENTS") {
$deleteContent = true;
// He might have entered text by mistake, return and show warning.
else {
$confStringErr = "The confirmation string is filled,
but does not match expected value";
// Prepare, bind and execute the statement for modification of
// users comments, depending on the actions he wants to take.
if($deleteContent && $deleteAuthor) {
$stmt = $conn->prepare("UPDATE blogpost_comments SET
poster_id = NULL, content='' WHERE poster_id = :userId;");
$stmt->bindParam(":userId", $_SESSION["current_user"]->user_id);
else if ($deleteContent) {
$stmt = $conn->prepare("UPDATE blogpost_comments SET
content='' WHERE poster_id = :userId;");
$stmt->bindParam(":userId", $_SESSION["current_user"]->user_id);
else if ($deleteAuthor) {
$stmt = $conn->prepare("UPDATE blogpost_comments SET
poster_id = NULL WHERE poster_id = :userId;");
$stmt->bindParam(":userId", $_SESSION["current_user"]->user_id);
// Delete the user from the database
$stmt = $conn->prepare("DELETE FROM users WHERE user_id = :userId;");
$stmt->bindParam(":userId", $_SESSION["current_user"]->user_id);
if (ini_get("session.use_cookies")) {
$params = session_get_cookie_params();
setcookie(session_name(), '', time() - 42000,
$params["path"], $params["domain"],
$params["secure"], $params["httponly"]
// Redirect to this page with GET
header(sprintf("Location: %s?success=true", sanitize_input($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])));
if (isset($_POST["submit"])) {
// Try to delete the user from db
delete_user($conn, sanitize_input($_POST["remove_content"]));
if(sanitize_input($_GET["success"]) == "true"){
printf("<article><h2>Deletion succesful.</h2></article>");
<h2>Account deletion</h2>
You are about to delete your account, this means it will be
completely erased from the database, but your contributions
will remain, their authors name will now be shown as
`[Deleted]` instead of your username. Internally, they will
still have your old id set as the author.
If you wish for all your contributions to be seen as been
made by a guest (no author id) instead, you can check the
checkbox below. Then they will completely loose their
authorship info.
If you want to erase their content as well, please enter
the string `<tt>DELETE CONTENT OF ALL COMMENTS</tt>` in all caps
into the appropriate input as well. But I would urge you
not to do this unless absolutely necessary. Don't we all hate
coming up on an interesting thread on the internet only to
find the most important/interesting message has been deleted?
<form method=\"post\" action=\"%s\">
<table class=\"noborder-table\">
<label for=\"remove_author\">
Remove comment authorship</label>
<input type=\"checkbox\"
name=\"remove_author\" value=\"yes\">
<label for=\"remove_content\">
Remove content of all comments:</label>
<input type=\"text\" name=\"remove_content\">
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\"
value=\"Delete account\">
", htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]), $confStringErr);
<h2> You are not signed in </h2>
Please sign in to delete your account.