Table of contents

Unretard table

Due to the lackluster nature of imperial units, some of these may be way off. Some may be from the US, some may be from the UK, some may be from atlantis, others from canada and some may be made up by me. Take all of these with a grain (65 mg) of salt.


Retarded unit Unretarded unit
1 Teaspoon 5 ml
1 Tablespoon 15 ml
1 Fluid ounce 240 ml
1 Cup 240 ml
1 Pint (freedomland) 470 ml
1 Pint (UKingdom) 570 ml
1 Quart 950 ml
1 Gallon 3.8 l


Retarded unit Unretarded unit
1 Inch (″) 25.4 mm
1 Foot (′) 30 cm
1 Yard 91 cm
1 Fathom 1.8 m
1 Mile 1.6 km
1 Nautical Mile 1.85 km
1 League (UKingdom, nautical) 5.55 km (3 nmi)


Retarded unit Unretarded unit
1 Ounce 28 g
1 Pound 450 g
1 Ton 907 kg


Retarded unit Unretarded unit
1 Knot 1.85
km / h

Cooking unit coversions

Disclaimer: these are chiefly my measurements, it is entirely possible I made a mistake somewhere. If your measurements differ significantly, please e-mail me.

Item Special Volumetric Weight
W / V
Cheese (eidam 45%, roughly grated, pressed down) 1 cup 236 ml 128 g 0.5
Egg Small 39.5 ml 50 g 1.25
Honey 1 jar 600 ml 900 g 1.5